Junior Achievement - The Money Jar radio show
Marvels of Money - inspiring kids
interview with Evan Wilson and Todd Yuzuriha
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How do you inspire young kids to get excited about earning their own way and working hard to get the things they want? Today’s episode of The Money JAR, guest Paul Nourigat, author of the fictional series for 7-12 year olds, Marvels of Money for Kids, answers those questions. Nourigat takes listeners through his own journey of learning about money, which led him to create this visually compelling and interconnected series that teaches kids skills around financial literacy and building self-esteem. Nourigat also shares tips for parents on how to engage children in conversations about money in a fun and engaging way.
A leading national financial consultant and father of three, author Paul Nourigat is deeply invested in the purpose of helping young Americans become independent through financial competencies, life skills and the resulting self-esteem. Nourigat’s newest title No Time To Wander is for adults in their 20’s & 30’s who are striving to establish financial independence; using an engaging, non-fiction style, he lays out the financial essentials in a straight-forward manner, while addressing personal topics rarely discussed in financial conversations. His books are now in homes, schools and libraries throughout the US.