FarBeyond Publishing was created by Paul Nourigat, following the great recession in 2010, to help empower Americans to achieve financial independence. Since that time, Paul has authored 10 books in 10 years for adults, teens, and kids, while engaging in countless group presentations, media interviews, and community collaborations..
Paul’s works are free of institutional influence or product marketing, providing a safe place to learn about topics which are not well-addressed in our society. The financial cost for these efforts are underwritten by he and his wife (Lisa), and partially off-set by book sales. This is a labor of love intended to help people achieve:
financial independence, earlier in life, reducing demand for family support and social services, and improving the financial health of our country.
improved quality-of-life, through awareness, informed decision making, and the self-esteem resulting from independence.
When Paul is not writing, he is consulting for business and community leaders from his office in Portland, Oregon (www.SalesBase.com), enjoying his family, playing golf, pursuing musical interests, and gardening. He credits his wife, Lisa Nourigat, for most of his success and values her role as his Executive Editor.