There are so many things kids want to buy! But they cannot afford them all. Spending Success tells a story about Chelsea and Jack’s great success with patience and goal setting, against a backdrop of peer pressure and media influence. A 32 page, 2,500 word story, full color, illustrated by Disney Animation Storyboard Artist and Director Natalie Nourigat. Peek inside the book.
Spending Success
Ages 6-12 years; a book in the "Marvels of Money ... for kids" series; ISBN: 9781936872022
Identically structured with the other 4 books in the series, with glossary of new financial words, summary of lessons learned from the story (“tips for kids”) and recommendations for parents to reinforce the same topic (“tips for parents”). Books may be read independent of each other, in any sequence, with light connections between the stories for the discerning child.