Personal investing has been overly complicated and costly for far too long. Here’s a free web comic written by Paul Nourigat and illustrated by Natalie Nourigat, for the benefit of everyone who wants to understand crucial concepts for successful investing and “how to make more money with their money”. Below the comic, see the free “Investment Insights guide” and “Explainer videos” for deeper dives on these investing topics, plus a gift link that makes it easy for you to share this free comic with the people you care about.

Hope you enjoyed our comic. Here are quick links referenced earlier:

Investment Insights Guide where you’ll also find “Explainer videos” on key investment topics

Gift it forward!- a simple way for you to share this free comic with anyone you care about, including your social networks.

Meet the illustrator … Natalie Nourigat


“I’ve been a visual artist since I finished school about a decade ago, and am now a Storyboard Artist and Director at Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Having freelanced in the years prior to joining the incredible Disney team, I learned how difficult it can be to keep our heads above water financially and plan for the future. I have lived through two recessions, and watched friends across industries struggle with the shifting economic landscape.

That is why I believe that learning how to invest early in life is so important. Thanks to guidance from my dad, I began investing in retirement accounts after securing my “rainy-day fund”. Although I didn’t have much extra money at the time, and unable to put huge amounts to work, I’ve seen the cumulative effects of those smaller amounts of money growing year over year; it’s very exciting to watch your humble excess funds grow more or less “on their own”. I still find certain aspects of the markets confusing, so working with my dad to simplify the concepts for everyone’s benefit - through this comic - called to me. I hope we have done the topic justice here, using visual storytelling to make those concepts even easier to comprehend, and to put to work through the recommended actionable steps.” to learn more about Natalie, see

Meet the author … Paul Nourigat


“Money’s not the end-game, but a means to an end. So in spite of all my focus on financial topics, my true interest is in the improvement in the quality of life for all. I share knowledge and perspectives so each reader can draw their own conclusions, to accelerate their journey to self-sufficiency and financial security.

Throughout life, we’ll be challenged over and over again with turbulence in economic cycles, our personal lives, and events outside of our control. If we take calculated steps to save and invest wisely, we can reduce the pain of tough times, and live the life we love! “ Learn about Paul


No Time To Wander - Adult non-fiction - Financial guide for life